Molecular Medicine Innovations in Oncology: Pioneering Approaches to Personalized Therapy

Document Type : Abstract


Department of Nanobiotechnology, Faculty of Biological Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: The field of oncology has witnessed remarkable progress with the advent of molecular medicine innovations. This study aims to explore pioneering approaches to personalized therapy in oncology, emphasizing the transformative impact of molecular advancements on tailoring treatments to individual patient profiles.
Methods: This study employs a search strategy utilizing key databases, including Google Scholar and PubMed, to identify relevant studies and literature. The inclusion criteria involve studies focusing on molecular medicine innovations in oncology, particularly those pioneering personalized therapy approaches. Exclusion criteria encompass studies outside the scope of oncology or lacking emphasis on molecular advancements and personalized therapeutic strategies. The search strategy prioritizes recent and impactful research to provide a current and insightful overview of the subject matter.
Results: This study highlights advancements in molecular medicine in oncology, emphasizing personalized therapy strategies. From targeted to immunotherapies, these innovations enhance treatment efficacy, showcasing a transformative impact on patient outcomes. The synthesis of current literature underscores a paradigm shift towards more individualized and effective therapeutic interventions.
Conclusion: Pioneering approaches to personalized therapy signal a paradigm shift, offering tailored interventions based on individual molecular profiles. The transformative impact of these innovations on treatment efficacy and patient outcomes is evident. As we navigate the evolving landscape of oncological treatments, the emphasis on precision and individualization through molecular advancements is set to redefine the future of cancer care.


Main Subjects

Volume 2, Issue 2
Special Issue: Abstract and Papers from ICBMS23 (Turkey), ICBM23 (Hungary), ICCMM23 (Italy)
Pages 296-296
  • Receive Date: 19 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 19 December 2023