Bridging Genomics and Oncology: Molecular Approaches to Personalized Medicine

Document Type : Review paper


Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Background and aim: Cancer treatment faces challenges due to intra-tumor heterogeneity and the need for better understanding of molecular mechanisms. Precision oncology aims to customize therapies based on accurate diagnostics, targeting specific molecules. Next-generation sequencing enables personalized treatment through identifying therapeutic targets and biomarkers. Comprehensive molecular characterization, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and the tumor microenvironment, is essential. This study addresses these gaps, investigating epigenetic changes, gene expression, and correction methods, with the potential for improved treatment outcomes and advancements in precision oncology.
Methods: This literature review explores advancements in oncology genomics and their implications for personalized medicine. A comprehensive search identified 35 relevant papers, covering topics such as genomic alterations, molecular profiling, biomarker identification, and clinical integration. Descriptive statistics summarize the distribution of publications by year, cancer type, and research focus. The findings demonstrate significant progress in oncology genomics, enabling tailored therapies based on individual genetic profiles and improving diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment outcomes. Integration of genomics into clinical practice holds promise for the future of precision oncology.
Results: The studies provide distinct perspectives on precision oncology, addressing challenges and advancements in the field. One study proposes the use of liquid biopsies as alternatives for monitoring molecular events in metastatic breast cancer, while another focuses on next-generation sequencing and organoid models for understanding the genetic landscape of individual cancer patients. Additionally, there are studies highlighting the significance of the cancer epigenome and the importance of targeting specific genomic alterations for personalized treatment strategies. These findings underscore the crucial role of genomic information in guiding effective precision oncology approaches.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the integration of oncology, molecular medicine, and personalized medicine holds great promise for improving cancer treatment outcomes. By utilizing genomic information, precision oncology enables tailored treatment approaches based on molecular features and epigenetic patterns, leading to more accurate and effective care. These findings have significant implications, offering personalized therapies that improve patient outcomes while minimizing adverse effects. Future research should focus on addressing challenges like equitable access to genomic testing and advancing multi-omics approaches. By refining personalized medicine in oncology, exploring new therapeutic targets, and leveraging innovative technologies, we can optimize treatment decision-making and unlock the full potential of molecular and personalized medicine in revolutionizing cancer care.


Main Subjects

Volume 2, Issue 2
Special Issue: Abstract and Papers from ICBMS23 (Turkey), ICBM23 (Hungary), ICCMM23 (Italy)
Pages 281-290
  • Receive Date: 19 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 19 December 2023